New Issue of Papa’s House Magazine

New Issue of Papa’s House Magazine

Papa's House Magazine Issue Number 8

The newest issue of the Papa’s House Magazine features our children from the early days of Nepal Orphans Home who have chosen to leave Nepal, at least for now, for a variety of pursuits. You’ll see that they are forthright in revealing their reasons for leaving their homeland, their expectations for living in a new country, the realities they’ve encountered, and their resolve for their future.  As you can imagine, the stories vary widely, and encounters with reality bring surprises, challenges, satisfaction, and further reflection.  

Each story is unique, as are each of the “children,” now adults in a foreign land. They reflect on the impact of their experiences at Papa’s House and their plans for their future, demonstrating creativity, resilience, and positive energy. These are stories of adventure, discovery, growth and high standards for their own future. There are bumps in the road, but also a drive to succeed and have a positive impact on their world. It is clear that they each want to pass along the energy, love, and resilience fostered at Papa’s House during their early years to the people who surround them now in adulthood. 

Thank you for your support in making this possible.